Risk Management solution in Uk | Basel IV | Financial advisor | Credit & liquidity Risk Management

School of Risk Management

Our mission at the BST School of Risk Management is to fill the knowledge gap preventing business executives from successfully navigating the world’s complex and dynamic business environments. We achieve this by providing corporate executives working in various industries with excellent learning solutions. Our educational programmes are thoroughly examined and assessed by subject matter specialists for the relevant sectors. This ensures strong content delivery to executives and knowledge transfer back to the workplace.

Individual Training

We provide comprehensive training on applying the Basel Regulations within various scopes of financial services. Our training programmes are structured comprehensively to ensure you become an expert certified by global professional bodies. With our training programmes, you will make a difference in your organization in the shortest possible time.

Corporate Training

Recycled information is not the solution if you want your senior management staff to understand a topic in a more complex and detailed context. Our training will help your senior management employees stand out in all divisions of your organization as we possess a great depth of financial training expertise.


Graduate Scheme

The BST Graduate Scheme Program aims to assist talented graduates looking for a career in Risk Management, Information Technology, and Programme Management within the financial regulatory reporting space. The training you will receive will equip you for various positions in Business Analysis, Risk Consulting, Regulation Reporting, Software Testing, and Project Management.

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