
Risk Management solution in Uk | Basel IV | Financial advisor | Credit & liquidity Risk Management

Corporate Training

When your senior management staff need to know about a topic as much as your graduates or front office analysts, but in a more complex and detailed context, recycled content is not the answer. We have the breadth of content and depth of financial training expertise to provide training for your senior management staff in all divisions of your organization.

Our Corporate Training Programmes offer

At BST-Learning, we understand that time efficiency is critical when training a senior team - it is far from ideal to have them out of the business for any extended period. That is why our programs only focus on your company's specific needs. We only use examples, exercises and case studies that apply to you.

Continuing Professional Development

Basel Reforms in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, among others, demonstrate how quickly regulation is changing the financial services landscape.  CPD is moving from encouraged to mandatory. The BST-Learning response to this new highly regulated norm is tailored, end-to-end learning, specifically designed to manage your ongoing regulatory compliance and training needs.

Your BST-Learning CPD solution will go beyond theory to provide practical and relevant knowledge, developing financial insight and the ability to compete as industry leaders. 

Key features of our CPD training include: 


Managed regulatory requirements; including recording, maintaining, and submitting applications, alongside an efficient reminder process designed to minimize the risk of missed deadlines. 


Individual employee support to ensure CPD and regulatory requirements are met in an efficient and optimized manner.


Flexible resource management able to integrate with your existing training and administration systems and provide tools as needed. 


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